First Projects in South Korea


With its 51.47* million citizens South Korea belongs to the 30 most populous countries on earth.

We were able to realize the first two VICELLO projects in South Korea together with our partner company S3 Global.

Since the beginning of 2018 VICELLO has been on the market, and convinces with easily available setups for various types of stereophonic sound. VICELLO is excellently suited for optimizing room acoustics in smaller rooms and includes the same technologies as the electronic room acoustic system VIVACE.

In order to present the possibilities of the VICELLO System a show room was established, which serves as demonstration room for Chris System Loudspeakers and VICELLO presentations, playbacks and live performances. About half of the 51.47* million citizens live in Greater Seoul, a cosmopolitan city with the fourth biggest economy worldwide.

A further installation was realized in an event hall with a varied usage profile in Sejong. On top floor of the BOK Art Center there is an event hall with approximately 260 seats and a stage area of about 100 m². The installed VICELLO system serves as both acoustic optimization at classical concerts and support of reinforced sound events.

(*status 2017)

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