Lund, die Universitätsstadt mit über tausendjähriger Geschichte, verbindet Tradition und Innovation auf einzigartige Weise. In diesem Umfeld wurde die größte Vivace-Installation Skandinaviens in der Science Village Hall integriert. 32 Mikrofone und 92 Lautsprecher schaffen eine hochmoderne Akustik, die sich flexibel an jedes Veranstaltungsformat anpassen lässt.
After extensive refurbishment, the Wiener Neustadt City Theatre reopened in November 2024. It combines historical charm with state-of-the-art technology, offers space for 624 people and impresses with its outstanding acoustics. A new focal point for culture in Lower Austria has been created.
Categories:Concert Hall, Interim Venue, Opera House, Theatre
The temporary OPAL venue, which will open in October 2024, will provide the Mannheim Opera with an acoustically optimised stage during the renovation of the Nationaltheater. Special ceiling sails and the Vivace sound system ensure the highest sound quality and an intense listening experience for up to 800 visitors.