Projects Overview

Science Village Hall Lund

Categories: Concert Hall, Event, Multipurpose hall, Theatre
Lund, die Universitätsstadt mit über tausendjähriger Geschichte, verbindet Tradition und Innovation auf einzigartige Weise. In diesem Umfeld wurde die größte Vivace-Installation Skandinaviens in der Science Village Hall integriert. 32 Mikrofone und 92 Lautsprecher schaffen eine hochmoderne Akustik, die sich flexibel an jedes Veranstaltungsformat anpassen lässt.

Stadttheater Wiener Neustadt

Categories: Concert Hall, Theatre
After extensive refurbishment, the Wiener Neustadt City Theatre reopened in November 2024. It combines historical charm with state-of-the-art technology, offers space for 624 people and impresses with its outstanding acoustics. A new focal point for culture in Lower Austria has been created.

Elektra Tonquartier in the Bergson power station

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
The Bergson Kunstkraftwerk in Munich, opening in spring 2024, is a new centre for art and music. The centrepiece is the Elektra Tonquartier, hailed by the press as the ‘smartest concert hall in Europe’. Thanks to the Vivace system, the acoustics can be flexibly adapted - from classical to techno. The hall for up to 500 people not only offers intense sound enjoyment, but also space for artists to experiment with creative soundscapes.

OPAL - Opera at Luisenpark, Mannheim

Categories: Concert Hall, Interim Venue, Opera House, Theatre
The temporary OPAL venue, which will open in October 2024, will provide the Mannheim Opera with an acoustically optimised stage during the renovation of the Nationaltheater. Special ceiling sails and the Vivace sound system ensure the highest sound quality and an intense listening experience for up to 800 visitors.

Congress Centrum (HCC) Heidelberg

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
The Heidelberg Congress Centre (HCC), which opens in April 2024, offers over 6600 m² of state-of-the-art event space on three levels. Supported by the Vivace system, the Great Hall boasts outstanding acoustics for up to 1,200 guests.

Lechwelten in Lech Zürs am Arlberg

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
The new Lechwelten event hall in Lech Zürs fulfils the highest acoustic and technical standards and sets new benchmarks for event locations in Europe.

Museum Reinhard Ernst, Wiesbaden

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
The new "sugar cube" for Wiesbaden houses the ultra-modern, multifunctional Vivace event space.

Farnes Church, Norway

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
"The Church of Farnes is finally complete after 36 years." Pastor Olav Nese – As part of the renovation of Farnes Church, the previously used electronic room acoustic system, VRAS system, has been replaced with a modern VICELLO system from Müller-BBM Acoustic Solutions GmbH to achieve an extension of the reverberation time to up to 6 seconds. The system was installed and calibrated by our Scandinavian distributor Jo Wang (Panpot AS).

Dailes Theatre, Latvia

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall, Theatre
The Dailes Theatre is the largest professional theatre in the Baltic States with a history and traditions dating back over a century. The artistic vision of its founder, the legendary director Eduards Smiļģis, has shaped the theater’s style for more than 40 years. Today, this tradition continues, with new innovations and high aesthetic standards determining the artistic direction of the theatre.

Stadttheater Kempten, Kempten, Germany

Categories: Theatre
At the beginning of the year it was replaced and adjusted to the theatre by the electronic room acoustic system VIVACE. On the 548 seats, which are spread over three levels, VIVACE now ensures an impressive surround sound.

Davos Festival, Davos, Switzerland

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
With the temporary installation of the VIVACE system, the existing acoustics were expanded to a natural concert hall sound, which enthused visitors, musicians and critics equally.

Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen, Germany

Categories: Event, Multipurpose hall
In order to transform the acoustically dry museum hall into a lively chamber music hall the electronic room acoustic system VIVACE was temporarily installed.

Pjazza Teatru Rjal, Valletta, Malta

Categories: Open Air
Installation of the Electronic Room Acoustics System VIVACE for the open-air theatre in Valletta.

Opera House Bonn, Germany

Categories: Opera House
For an optimization of the roomacoustics in the opera Bonn the Electronic Room Acoustic System VIVACE was installed in august 2018.

Musiktheater im Revier, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Categories: Opera House
Optimization of the room acoustics by the Electronic Room Acoustics System VIVACE.

Tabakov Theatre, Moscow, Russia

Categories: Theatre
In order to improve the conditions of the rommacoustics in the Moscow Theater, the VIVACE system is installed since 2016.

Solution & Categories

Multipurpose hallEventTheatreConcert HallOpen AirOpera HouseInterim Venue

Seating Capacity

< 500500 - 1000> 1000

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